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We paid $230 and $305 for this hotel room respectively.
So $230 and $305 worth of heat and electric and morning
coffee soaps and air conditioning is exactly what I’m taking.

My father, paying child support and mortgages
since divorcing in 2008 on minimum wage
has not had more than four consecutive days off work

                             in ten years.


It is an honor and an immense pressure to enjoy Cape Cod THAT MUCH,
but I will enjoy it as if it is my own first peaceful week in a decade.
I had a glass of wine at dinner, and I bought $8 worth of pecan turtles.
Which is far fewer pecan turtles than you are picturing

and I pointed out every surfacing of every seal
and every consealed seal beneath every wave
and I assured him, beyond a shadow of a doubt,
that money was no object.


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