Madeline Allen is studying creative writing at Allegheny College. You can find her work in The Blood Pudding. When not writing, she enjoys running and watching horror movies.
Jake Bauer is the author of the collection Tracey Emin's Tent (42 Miles Press), the chapbook Big Pool, Oh (Factory Hollow Press, and co-author of the chapbook Idaho Falls (SurVision Books).
Jodi Bosin is a Philadelphia based writer and social worker with poetry online and self-published zines. Find her on the front porch and on Instagram @jodi_bosin.
Gabriella Adriana Iacono is a writer, artist, and educator from New York. She is a recipient of the C. Glenn Cambor Inprint Fellowship and a Mayapple Fellowship. Her work has appeared in Cherry Tree, the Raleigh Review, Southeast Review, SAND, minnesota review, Josephine Quarterly and elsewhere. Her cinepoem "Land Erasure" was commissioned by Aurora Picture Show and Public Poetry Houston. Iacono is holds an MFA in Creative Writing and Literature from the University of Houston. She currently lives in New York with her partner and dog.
Philip Jason’s stories can be found in Prairie Schooner, The Pinch, Mid-American Review, Ninth Letter, and J Journal; his poetry in Spillway, Lake Effect, Hawaii Pacific Review, Pallette and Indianapolis Review. He is the author of the novel Window Eyes (Unsolicited Press, 2023). His first collection of poetry, I Don’t Understand Why It’s Crazy to Hear the Beautiful Songs of Nonexistent Birds, is forthcoming from Fernwood Press. For more, please visit philipjason.com.
Erin Shapland is a poet and librarian living in Bristol, Connecticut. She is just like you. She likes everything bagel flavored pretzel chips, hard rain, and green. She lives with her partner, David, his blue fish, her plants, and a mannequin she uses to keep her bras the right shape. You should try it too.
Born in Puerto Rico, John Yohe has worked as a wildland firefighter, wilderness ranger and fire lookout. Best of the Net nominee x2. Notable Essay List for Best American Essays 2021, 2022 and 2023. @thejohnyohe www.johnyohe.weebly.com
Lena Zycinsky (b. 1986) is a poet and artist whose work appeared in New York Times, Poetry Archive, Consequence among other places. Born in Minsk, Belarus, Lena has lived in the UK, Greece and the US. Author of numerous books and shows abroad, Lena is currently a low-residence MFA student at NYU in Paris. More information on lenazycinsky.com